The N-terminal groups of salmine

Purified salmine from Oncorhynchus keta was coupled completely with l-fluoro-2:4-dinitrobenzene and the spectrum of the resulting dinitrophenyl (DNP) -salmine measured in the range 235-420 m[mu]. The spectrum is similar to the spectrum of DNP-proline. Four-fifths of the N-terminal residues in the salmine are proline and the rest mainly arginine, serine and glycine. From the spectrum an average molecular weight of 3800 [plus or minus] 10% was calculated for salmine, assuming all the molecules to be simple open-chain peptides. A secondary slow reaction occurs with fluorodinitrobenzene, which is unexplained. A little N- [delta] -DNP-ornithine was found, which is thought to be in the native protamine and not a degradation product.