Multiple malignancies in a patient with bilateral retinoblastoma

A case is presented of a patient with bilateral retinoblastoma, treated at infancy with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, who subsequently developed at least four additional histologically distinct malignancies: a Ewing sarcoma of the left fibula, two extraskeletal osteosarcomas of the left lower extremity, a mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the right parotid gland and a squamous cell carcinoma of the left paranasal cavity.In addition to retinoblastoma, patients with a germline RB-1 mutation are at high risk of second primary malignancies. An additive carcinogenic effect of cytotoxic therapy in these patients has been assumed. Patients with hereditary retinoblastoma should be under life-long follow-up programmes including a regular head and neck examination for detection of new primaries, especially in the radiation field of the presenting retinoblastoma.