Relationship of glicentin to proglucagon and glucagon in the porcine pancreas

A peptide known as glicentin was previously isolated from porcine small intestine. The C-terminal portion of glicentin consists of the sequence of glucagon extended at its C terminus by an octapeptide, and differs slightly from the sequence of a proposed fragment of proglucagon. Glicentin-like material was demonstrated in the pancreatic A cell, located in the periphery of the secretory granules; glucagon is located in the center of the granules. To study the relationship of glicentin to the biosynthesis of glucagon, the glucagon-like and glicentin-like peptides in extracts and perfusates of the porcine pancreas were investigated. A peptide with glicentin-like immunoreactivity and intermediate in size between glicentin and glucagon is secreted synchronously with glucagon; this glicentin-related peptide may be a major clevage product of proglucagon.