The relationship of dietary fat to plasma lipid levels as studied by factor analysis of adipose tissue fatty acid composition in a free-living population of middle-aged American men

We have used adipose tissue biopsies to assess the quality of fat in the diet and its influence on plasma lipid levels in 413 free-living normolipidemic male subjects. Factor analysis identified three factors which separated the fatty acids on the basis of their chemical structure. F1— monounsaturates—animal fats; F2—saturates—carbohydrates; F3—polyunsaturates—vegetable oils. An increase in F1 was associated with an increase in plasma triglycerides (TG), plasma total cholesterol (TC), and VLDL-C: an increase in F2 led to a decrease in VLDL-C. A rise in F3 was associated with lowered TG, VLDL-C, and HDL-C but increased LDL-C. However, the contribution of each of these factors to the variance in TG, TC, LDL-C, and HDL-C was small, namely: 5.48, 1.30, 2.57, and 2.02%, respectively. A special relationship between F3 and VLDL-C was found such that 16.22% of its variance could be attributed to F3. Our conclusion is that adipose tissue composition and, by implication, the type of dietary fat intake, explains only a small proportion (1–19%) of the variance in plasma lipids in normolipidemic subjects.