We examine the implications of the recently proposed un-unified SU(2)q×SU(2)l×U(1)Y model for the extra-gauge-boson decay widths and hadronic production rates, the e+eμ+μ and bb¯ asymmetries, the B-meson semileptonic branching fraction, B0B¯0 mixing, and the CP-violating parameter ε. A perturbative requirement gives the bound sinφ0.22 on the new mixing angle. Current searches at the Fermilab Tevatron collider for an extra Z boson can place a mass bound MZH250 GeV. The hadronic decays of WH, ZH produced in p¯p collisions may be observable as enhancements in the two-jet invariant-mass distribution. The enhanced low-energy nonleptonic interaction improves the agreement with experiment of the predicted B-meson semileptonic branching fraction.