Anti‐HBc of IgM‐class, HBeAg and anti‐HBe in acute and chronic hepatitis B

ABSTRACT— The presence and persistence of IgM antibody against hepatitis B core antigen (anti‐HBc IgM) and the correlation with other HBV markers were studied in 42 patients, all of whom had acute HBsAg‐positive hepatitis but whose subsequent diseases differed. All patients initially had anti‐HBc IgM. In 13 out of 15 patients with uncomplicated acute hepatitis, anti‐HBc IgM disappeared within 6 months after onset of the disease. In five out of 12 patients, who in spite of transient HBsAg developed chronic liver disease, the anti‐HBc IgM persisted for more than 2 years. Among 15 patients with persistent HBsAg, anti‐HBc IgM was present from 7 months to more than 8 years. Seroconversion from HBeAg to anti‐HBe was observed in seven patients and in five of these anti‐HBc IgM disappeared during the follow‐up period. These results indicate that anti‐HBc IgM can be used as a serological marker of recent or ongoing HBV infection.