Monoclonal Antibody to a Highly Glycosylated Protein Reacts in Fixed Tissue With Melanoma and Other Tumors

A highly glycosylated protein with a molecular weight of 30,000 to 60,000 and a protein core of 20,000 daltons has been identified by antimelanoma monoclonal antibodies. The antigenicity of this melanoma-associated glycoprotein (MAG) was not destroyed in fixed paraffin-embedded melanoma tissue, and was present in malignant cells of cutaneous superficial spreading melanomas in skin (31/33) and in half of all metastatic melanomas examined (5/10). The antigen was not expressed by normal melanocytes. The strong reactivity of dysplastic nevi with the anti-MAG antibodies was comparable to that seen in radial growth phase melanoma. Antigen expression was much weaker in compound nevi where reactivity ranged from moderate in the junctional component and the upper dermis to absent at the base of the nevus.