Feline Cutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis Due to Cladophyalophora Bantiana

A case of feline cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis due to Cladophyalophora bantiana is described. The cat was presented with breathing difficulty and a swollen, ulcerated nodule on the dorsal nose and left nostril. Histological examination of the nodule revealed a cystic granulomatous dermatitis characterised by neutrophils, macrophages and giant cells. Pigmented, yeast-like fungus cells and hyphal elements were easily identified in haematoxylin-eosin stained tissue sections. Cladophyalophora bantiana was isolated from a tissue specimen. This organism, primarily known to cause cerebral infection in humans and cats, only rarely causes cutaneous infection. Despite anti-fungal chemotherapy two relapses occurred. The cat was feline immunodeficiency virus - and feline leukemia virus-negative and even if the owner was unaware of trauma, the hypothesis of wound contamination is the most likely.