Magnetic behavior and magnetic phase diagram of the insulating mixed ferromagnet Fe[S2xSe2(1x)CN (C2H5)2]2Cl

The title system is a mixture of two isomorphous three-dimensional (3D) ferromagnets. One component, the sulfur system or dithiocarbamate, is approximately describable as a 3D Ising ferromagnet, ordering at 2.458 K. The other component, the selenium system or diselenocarbamate, is approximately describable as a 3D XY ferromagnet ordering at 3.463 K. Susceptibilities of polycrystalline samples of the mixed system are Curie-Weisslike above 20 K. The Weiss constant θ exhibits a pronounced wavelike composition dependence, though always remaining positive. Each mixture is observed to order ferromagnetically. The composition dependence of the ordering temperature, deduced from low-field susceptibility and magnetization measurements, is S-shaped, with a somewhat stronger composition dependence on the Se-rich side of the diagram. This form of Tc(x), which seems to be realized for the first time in this mixed system, corresponds to one of the phase-diagram types predicted in earlier theoretical work of Thorpe and McGurn.