Genetic control of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice. III. Ia molecules mediate cellular immune responsiveness to acetylcholine receptors.

When MHC congenic and recombinant mice are inoculated with Torpedo acetylcholine receptors (AChR) with adjuvants, the magnitude of autoantibody responses to muscle AChR and the defect of neuromuscular transmission closely parallel in vitro lymphocyte proliferative responses to Torpedo AChR. All of these responses are controlled by gene(s) at the I-A subregion of the H-2 complex. Data presented in this report confirm in back-cross mice that T lymphocyte proliferative responses to AChR are controlled by a Mendelian dominant gene linked to H-2, at the I-A subregion. Lymphocyte responses were eliminated by blocking Ia antigens on lymph node cell surfaces with appropriate anti-I-A alloantisera and by removal of adherent cells. A spontaneous mutation at the I-A subregion in the B6 strain, which resulted in structural alteration of the A beta chain of Ia, converted high responsiveness to AChR to a state of low responsiveness. These data implicate a macrophage-associated Ia molecule in induction of autoimmune responses to AchR, probably in the presentation of AChR to helper T lymphocytes that thereby help B lymphocytes to differentiate into anti-AChR antibody-forming cells.