Accelerated growth of intestinal tumours after radiation exposure in Mlh1‐knockout mice: evaluation of the late effect of radiation on a mouse model of HNPCC

Mlh1-knockout mice have been developed as a useful model of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). In this study, we analyzed the pathology of gastrointestinal tumours (GIT) in these mice in detail and examined the possible effects of ionizing radiation on the induction of intestinal tumours to evaluate the late response to radiotherapy in HNPCC. Mlh1/ mice spontaneously developed GIT and thymic lymphomas by 48 weeks. GIT included not only well differentiated adenocarcinomas but also poorly differentiated and mucinous adenocarcinomas, suggesting that this mouse is a good model for HNPCC. In contrast to colon cancers from HNPCC patients, however, carcinomas of Mlh1–/– mice expressed p53 and showed a lack of transforming growth factor (TGF)-βRII mutation, which resulted in the expression of TGF-βRII protein. Irradiation of 10-week-old Mlh1–/– mice accelerated GIT development but had little effect at 2 weeks. Mlh1+/– and Mlh1+/+ mice were not susceptible to spontaneous or radiation-induced thymic lymphomas and GIT until 72 weeks after birth. The development and pathology of GIT in Mlh1–/– mice suggest that this mouse is a good model for HNPCC, although tumour-related responsible genes might be different from HNPCC. As X-ray exposure promoted carcinogenesis of GIT in adult Mlh1–/– mice, an increased risk of secondary cancers after radiotherapy for HNPCC patients should be taken into consideration.

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