Alpha transfer mechanism in heavy-ion reactions

In some heavy-ion reactions, such as Mg24 (16O,12C)28 Si oscillatory structure often appears in the whole angle region in the differential cross section. This anomalous phenomenon, unexpected from ordinary distorted-wave Born approximation theory, is explained by an alpha transfer process between two unidentical nuclear cores. Nuclear molecular-orbit theory has been formulated, and the coupled system of wave equations describing both the elastic scattering and transfer reaction channels are obtained. An independent α particle model is assumed in the evaluation of nuclear wave functions. The differential cross sections of both channels have been calculated simultaneously for two cases: Mg24 (16O,16O)24 Mg and Mg24 (16O,12C)28 Si as well as Si28 (16O,16O)28 Si and Si28 (16O,12C)32 S. Agreement with the experimental data can be reached in the whole angle region for both of these cases.