Studies on the use of uncertainty factors in deriving RfDs

Risk assessment of exposure to chemicals having a toxic end point routinely uses the reference dose (RfD) approach based on uncertainty factors of 10. RfD model can be used with widely different databases. However, the quality of individual risk assessment is unequal among chemicals, often resulting in either an over‐ or underestimation of adverse health risk. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate whether the magnitude of the 10X uncertainty factors has scientific merit against data from recent human and animal experimental studies. Although we assessed the use of uncertainty factors for representative chemicals from various classes of compounds, such as volatile organics, alcohols, gasoline components, and pesticides, we are presenting our findings for 24 chemicals. A compilation and comparison of ratios between LOAEL/NOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level/No Observed Adverse Effect Level), and subchronic/chronic values were made. Although a 10X uncertainty factor is most commonly used in the risk assessment processes, an examination of the datasets which have been used to calculate RfDs suggests different values which are scientifically justifiable.