Laparoscopic radical cystectomy with intracorporeal ileal conduit diversion: five cases with a 2‐year follow‐up

Objective To assess the feasibility and intermediate‐term outcome of laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRC) with ileal conduit urinary diversion in patients with organ‐confined muscle‐invasive carcinoma of the urinary bladder, the entire procedure undertaken intracorporeally only using laparoscopic techniques. Patients and methods Five patients (four men and one woman) underwent LRC with intracorporeal ileal conduit diversion in February 2000, using a six‐port transperitoneal technique. LRC, ileal conduit exclusion, restoration of ileo‐ileal continuity, and bilateral stented uretero‐ileal anastomoses were completed intracorporeally in all patients. The follow‐up data up to 2 years are reported. Results All procedures were completed laparoscopically with no open conversion or intraoperative complications. The mean duration of surgery was 7.5 h; the blood loss was 360 mL and no patient required perioperative blood transfusion. The mean (range) hospital stay was 7 (6–22) days; the specimen weight was 225–400 g. The surgical margins of the bladder specimen were negative in each patient. One patient developed intestinal obstruction after surgery, requiring a diverting ileostomy for 12 weeks. At a follow‐up of 2 years, two patients died, both from unrelated causes (myocardial infarction and septicaemia from pulmonary infection in one each). The three surviving patients are asymptomatic with normal upper tracts and no evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease. Conclusion LRC with ileal conduit diversion undertaken completely intracorporeally is a feasible option for muscle‐invasive organ‐confined carcinoma of the urinary bladder, with good outcomes over a 2‐year follow‐up.