MMPI Characteristics of Borderline Psychopathology in Adolescent Inpatients

This study investigated MMPI Characteristics of male and female adolescent inpatients with diagnoses of borderline personality disorder (n = 28) in contrast to adolescent inpatients receiving principal diagnoses of conduct disorder (n = 21), dysthymic disorder (n = 50), other personality disorders (n = 17), and other diagnoses (n = 30). The borderline group has significantly higher elevations than comparison groups on MMPI Scales F, Hs, D, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, and Ma. A stepwise discriminant analysis resulted in 82.1%. accuracy in correctly classifying borderline patients and 78.0% accuracy in identifying, nonborderline patients. Findings are discussed in terms of potential uses and limitations in identifying borderline personality disorder with the MMPI.

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