Field variation of the rf penetration depth and its effect on kinetic inductance in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox microstrip transmission lines

Kinetic inductance effects in thin‐film superconductors can be utilized in a number of interesting electronic applications. High‐Tc films are particularly promising in this regard, as their penetration depths can be made quite large. In this communication we report on observations of strong kinetic inductance effects in a multilayer resonator structure deposited on a single substrate. The influence of temperature and of rf and dc magnetic fields on these effects are presented. We find that the penetration depth in Bi‐Sr‐Ca‐Cu‐O films can be externally influenced, and treated potentially as a design parameter for applications, since one may ultimately be able to exercise some degree of control over the material properties that most strongly affect it, namely crystal granularity, surface roughness, and film epitaxy.