Cloning and Characterization of IAR1, a Gene Required for Auxin Conjugate Sensitivity in Arabidopsis

Most indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in higher plants is conjugated to amino acids, sugars, or peptides, and these conjugates are implicated in regulating the concentration of the free hormone. We identified iar1 as an Arabidopsis mutant that is resistant to the inhibitory effects of several IAA–amino acid conjugates but remains sensitive to free IAA. iar1 partially suppresses phenotypes of a mutant that overproduces IAA, suggesting that IAR1 participates in auxin metabolism or response. We used positional information to clone IAR1, which encodes a novel protein with seven predicted transmembrane domains and several His-rich regions. IAR1 has homologs in other multicellular organisms, including Drosophila, nematodes, and mammals; in addition, the mouse homolog KE4 can functionally substitute for IAR1 in vivo. IAR1 also structurally resembles and has detectable sequence similarity to a family of metal transporters. We discuss several possible roles for IAR1 in auxin homeostasis.