The Doppler Assessment of Varicoceles and Internal Spermatic Vein Reflux in Infertile Men

The Doppler technique has been used to evaluate venous reflux in the spermatic cord. Valsalva-induced reflux occurred on the left side in 83% and on the right side in 59% of 118 patients without clinical varicoceles and there was no difference in incidence between fertile and infertile men. The significance of Valsalva-induced reflux should be questioned. Greater importance should be attributed to the spontaneous venous reflux that occurred during quiet respiration in the majority of patients with varicoceles. Seven velocity waveform patterns are described and these are thought to represent increasing degrees of internal spermatic vein reflux and provide a basis on which it is possible to grade varicoceles. The Doppler grades correlated with the size of the varicocele, and with the internal spermatic vein diameter and testosterone concentrations.