Internal meson dominance forpp¯annihilation

The previously considered S13 internal fusion model of pp¯→YY¯, YY¯ *, and Y*Y¯* (Y denotes hyperon) at low energies is modified and thereby extended to also include pp¯→nn¯ and Δ++Δ¯. It is assumed that the same nonperturbative mechanism that mixes the different qq¯ pairs within the neutral, nonstrange mesons is also responsible for the scattering, annihilation, and creation of qq¯ pairs within the baryon-antibaryon system. More specifically, we assume that processes qq¯→QQ¯ within the baryon-antibaryon system with q=d or u and Q=d, u, or s quarks is mediated by fusion of the qq¯ to a pseudoscalar or vector meson that also within the system decays into QQ¯. The S01 pseudoscalar-meson model disagrees with experiment whereas the S13 vector-meson fusion model is in reasonable agreement with it. As compared to the previously considered S13 internal fusion model the main change is an extension of the approximate agreement to the nonstrange final-state baryons. This is achieved since strange baryons in the model are only produced via the small ω-φ mixing.

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