Spontaneous Recombination, Gain and Refractive Index Variation for 1.6 µm Wavelength InGaAsP/InP Lasers

The spontaneous carrier lifetime τs was measured as a function of temperature for 1.6 µm wavelength InGaAsP/InP lasers. As a good approximation 1/τsI th 1/2, where I th is the threshold current, in the temperature region from 140 K to 320 K. The measured lifetime, given by τs=1/(B eff N), where N is the carrier density, resulted in the effective recombination coefficient B eff=1 –2×10-10 cm3s-1 at room temperature. Gain spectra were measured for different temperatures. The gradient of room temperature peak gain with respect to carrier density was determined to be 1.2×10-16 cm2. At 140 K this gradient as well as the curvature of the gain spectra showed an ∼10 times increase. The refractive index variation with carrier density was also obtained at different temperatures.