Consonant recognition in quiet as a function of aging among normal hearing subjects

Consonant recognition in quiet using the Nonsense Syllable Test (NST) [Resnick et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Suppl. 1 58, S114 (1975)] was investigated in 62 normal hearing subjects 20 to 65 years of age at their most comfortable listening levels (MCLs) and at 8 dB above and below MCL. Although overall consonant recognition performance was high (as expected for normal listeners), the effects of age decade, relative presentation level, and NST subsets were all significant, as was the interaction of age .times. level. The interactions of age .times. NST subset, and age .times. subset .times. level was nonsignificant. These findings suggest that consonant recognition decreases with normal aging, particularly below MCL. However, the relative perceptual difficulty of the seven subtests is the same across age groups. Confusion matrices were similar across levels and age groups. Percent information transmitted for several consonant features was calculated from the confusion matrices. Older subjects showed decrements in performance primarily for the features recognized relatively less accurately by the younger subjects. The results suggest that normal hearing older individuals listening in quiet have decreased consonant recognition ability, but that their confusions are similar to those of younger persons.