Metastatic Embryonal Carcinoma of the Testis Associated with Elevated Plasma TSH-like Activity and Hyperthyroidism

EVIDENCE has been adduced in recent years for the association of a variety of neoplastic states with the elaboration of polypeptide or protein substances having hormonal action. The majority of such syndromes have involved tissues not usually considered to be endocrine in function. The endocrinologically active substances produced have resulted in hyperadrenocorticism1 2 3 on the basis of excess ACTH-like material in patients with carcinomas of the lung and several other neoplasms; erythrocytosis4 caused by the elaboration of erythropoietic substances in relation to cerebellar hemangioblastoma, various tumors of the kidney and liver and uter ne fibroids; hypoglycemia, possibly related to increased insulin-like . . .