3-MHPG as a non-predictor of antidepressant response to imipramine and electroconvulsive therapy

The urinary excretion of 3-methoxy, 4-hydroxyphenyl-glycol, (3-MHPG) was measured in 20 unipolar depressed patients before treatment with imipramine and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to investigate the relationship between pretreatment urinary excretion of 3-MHPG and clinical response. There was no difference in 3-MHPG excretion for depressed patients and controls. There was no significant difference between the mean percentage reduction of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale Scores in "low" and "high" excretors of 3-MHPG in the imipramine and ECT group of patients after four weeks of treatment.