Diffraction Scattering and Singularities in the Angular Momentum Plane

The singularities in the angular momentum plane, which describe the vacuum intermediate state dominating high-energy scattering, are assumed to consist of a single Regge pole and a fixed branch cut. If the energy variable (s) only enters the equations in the normalized form w=s2M1M2, where M1 and M2 are masses of the particles, the value of w for lower mass interactions (e.g., πN) will be much larger than for high mass interactions (e.g., NN), for the same value of the lab energy. In the combined pole and cut model the vacuum pole dominates at lower values of w, and the cut becomes dominant as w, so that the p+p scattering between 7 and 20 BeV/c will be mainly described by the single vacuum pole, causing the width of the diffraction peak to shrink, whilst the π+p scattering between 7 and 17 BeV/c will be described by the fixed cut, which leads to no shrinkage. This permits the p+p and π+p data to be combined into one. A fit is obtained to the combined p+p and π+p data for the elastic differential cross section obtained recently by Foley et al. Another consequence of the vacuum-pole-cut model is that, in the energy range under consideration, the total cross section is not yet constant, but has the form σT=a+blnw, which agrees well with π±+p scattering data. This behavior of σT should also describe the average of the p+p and p¯+p total cross sections. Estimates of a and b using p+p, p¯+p, and π±+p data agree with those obtained for π±+p alone to within 6%. This strongly supports our method of combining NN and πN scattering data, and is in good agreement with the pole and cut model. A test of the theory can be obtained from experiments on KN scattering.