The metabolism of articular cartilage

Using tissue slices with estimation of pyruvate, the increase by methylene blue of the O2 uptake of horse cartilage from 10 to 50-150 [mu]l./g./hr. is due to production of pyruvate, part of which is further oxidized with CO2 formation. Chemical estimation of lactate and manometric methods showed that glycolysis is catalysed by pyruvate. The catalysis is inhibited by F", iodoacetate, o-iodoxybenzoate, and n-heptyl alc. The dye-catalysed O2 uptake is inhibited by n-heptyl alc. and partially by o-iodoxybenzoate. It is unaffected by Ca++, and is increased by HCN and under certain conditions by F-. The O2 uptake of horse cartilage is increased to 20 [mu]l./g./hr. by 2:4-dinitro-o-cresol, that of rabbit articular cartilage from 150 to 450 and rabbit meniscus from 30 to 140 by methylene blue.