A quantitative gram-reaction based on micro-Kjeldahl analyses of reagents and of cells decolorized at low temp, is descr. Evidence indicates that bacterial spp. may be arranged in a continuous series with reference to their behavior in the quantitative gram stain. The crystal violet N /mg. of bacterial N retained by gram-positive organisms was 0.29 mg. and 0.18 mg.; by gram variable organisms, 0.08 mg. and 0.07 mg.; gram-negative organisms failed to retain significant amts. of crystal violet. The amt. of crystal violet adsorbed by bacteria was related directly to the concn. of the dye. The amt. of crystal violet remaining in the cells after decolorization was related directly to the concn. of the primary stain. The counterstain, eosin Y, had no significant replacement effect on the primary dye in the strains studied.