Josephson-Coupling Origin for the Upward Curvature of the Pseudo-Upper-Critical Field inBi2Sr2xLaxCuO6+δCrystals

By measuring the temperature dependence of the diamagnetic moment for La-doped Bi2Sr2xLaxCuO6+δ singe crystals, we observed two superconducting transitions on each sample. With increasing magnetic field, the transition at the high temperature Tc1 shifts very slowly, while the transition at the low temperature Tc2 shifts dramatically, showing a clear upward curvature of the critical field. It is found that the transition corresponding to Tc1 is described very well by the critical fluctuation theory with a very steep dHc2/dT near Tc1, while that corresponding to Tc2 can be described by a recent theory by Geshkenbein, Ioffe, and Millis [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5778 (1998)] indicating strong evidence of a Josephson-coupling origin.