The impact of placement decisions on a child's self-concept will be a growing concern as mainstreaming efforts increase. A child's feelings of self-worth may vary from setting to setting and from one aspect of life to another. This paper well illustrates that self-concept is a complex entity. As Ribner demonstrates, both research and practice must consider these complexities, especially when the child's self-concept is in question. — G.M.S. The self-concept of minimally brain damaged children in special classes was compared with that of children with similar disabilities who were in the regular grades. Those in regular grades had significantly lower self-concepts in school adequacy but not in general competence. When compared with normal children, both groups of minimally brain damaged children had significantly lower self-concepts in school adequacy, but only those in regular grades held significantly lower self-concepts than normal children in general competence. No relationship was found between self-concept and length of stay in special classes.