A standard approach to compiling clinical pharmacokinetic data

A standard format for a Clinical Pharmacokinetic Summary is proposed. It consists of a heading, table, notes, and references for each drug reviewed. The table presents a unified and logical set of clinically useful population pharmacokinetic parameters. They concern four major areas: absorption, distribution, elimination, and the relationship of concentration to effect. Within each major group, parameters dealing with extents and rates of processes are given. Each such parameter is really two: a population mean value (for example, average volume of distribution) and the standard deviation of individual values about this mean. The first value allows individual predictions of dosage or drug level to be made; the second allows computation of the likely proximity of subsequently observed quantities to those predictions. The table presents single consensus values for each population parameter, rather than a list of values. A procedure for computing these consensus values, and for revising them in the light of new data, or reinterpreted old data, is given. Examples of Summaries are given. The method appears applicable to a variety of drugs. We suggest our approach as a standard one for preparing Clinical Pharmacokinetic Summaries, and urge our colleagues to consider it for that purpose.