The uniaxial anisotropy Ku and the magnetic domain wall energy density σw are important quantities for the thermomagnetically information storage process and its modeling. Ku was measured on (Gd,Dy)-(Fe,Co) films in dependence on temperature and Dy content. It increased linearly with increasing Dy content. Ku and the coercive field Hc are related by the equation Hc=αKun/μ0Ms with the fitting parameters α and n. At room temperature σw was determined from the difference of the switching fields for expanding and collapsing of thermomagnetically written circular domains on magneto-optical disks. The disks were prepared by electron beam evaporation with Dy contents between 5 and 35 at. %; the composition was adjusted to yield samples with a Curie temperature TC close to 500 K. The wall energy density increased with the Dy content. The exchange stiffness A was derived from measured σw and Ku data using the simple Bloch wall equation A=σw2/16Ku. The exchange stiffness was found independent on the Dy content to be 3.1×10−12±0.8×10−12 J/m. The resulting A was in agreement to literature data for amorphous Gd33Fe67 alloys.