Thought confidence as a determinant of persuasion: The self-validation hypothesis.

Previous research in the domain of attitude change has described 2 primary dimensions of thinking that impact persuasion processes and outcomes: the extent (amount) of thinking and the direction (valence) of issue-relevant thought. The authors examined the possibility that another. more meta-cognitive aspect of thinking is also important-the degree of confidence people have in their own thoughts, Four studies test the notion that thought confidence affects the extent of persuasion, When positive thoughts dominate in response to a message, increasing confidence in those thoughts increases persuasion, but when negative thoughts dominate, increasing confidence decreases persuasion, In addition, using self-reported and manipulated thought confidence in separate studies, the authors provide evidence that the magnitude of the attitude-thought relationship depends on the confidence people have in their thoughts, Finally, the authors also show that these self-validation effects are most likely in situations that foster high amounts of information processing activity.

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