Fresh, ground, mineralized bone sections 75-100 μ thick are stained 90 minutes or 48 hours in the Bone Stain, a preparation containing fast green FCF, orange G, basic fuchsin, and azure II. Surface stain is then removed by grinding under running water. Sections are washed in 0.1% zephiran chloride (benzalkonium chloride) or in 0.01% mild soap and again washed in tap water, followed with distilled water. Sections are next differentiated in 0.01% acetic acid in 95% methanol, dehydrated in 95% ethanol and 100% ethanol, cleared in alcohol:xylene 1:1, 1:4, 1:9 and 2 changes of xylol, and then mounted permanently in Eukitt's mounting media. Osteoid seams stain either green to jade green or red to dark red, incompletely mineralized bone red or orange yellow, and the zone of demarcation light green. The walls of lacunae, canaliculae, feathered bone, procedural artifacts and periosteocyte lacunar low-density versions stain red. The method helps in the differential diagnosis of certain metabolic bone diseases in human biopsy and autopsy material.