We have previously described gene introgression from the wild nightshade Solanum lycopersicoides into tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) through the use of either diploid or sesquidiploid hybrids (the latter consisting of two genomes of L. esculentum and one genome of S. lycopersicoides). Both types of intergeneric hybrids display pollen sterility, but workable ovule fertility. Unilateral incompatibility prevents their direct hybridization with staminate L. esculentum. Pollen of a self-compattible form of the related wild species L. pennellii is compatible with pistils of L. esculentum x S. lycopersicoides hybrids. This trait was backcrossed from L. pennellii to L. esculentum in order to develop bridging lines that could be used to obtain progeny from the intergeneric hybrids and to study the inheritance of bridging ability. In progeny of L. esculentum x S. lycopersicoides hybrids pollinated with L. pennellii-derived bridging lines, preferential transmission of L. pennellii alleles was observed for certain isozyme and RFLP markers on chromosomes 1, 6 and 10. The skewed segregations suggest linkage to three major pollen-expressed compatibility loci. This was confirmed by observations of pollen tube growth, which indicated that compatibility with pistils of the diploid intergeneric hybrid occurred only in bridging lines at least heterozygous for the L. pennellii markers on chromosomes 1, 6 and 10. Compatibility with the sesquidiploid hybrid required only the chromosome 1 and 6 loci, indicating an apparent effect of gene dosage on expression of incompatibility in the pistil. In an F2 L. esculentum x L. pennellii population, preferential transmission of L. pennellii alleles was observed for the same markers on chromosomes 1 and 10, as well as other markers on chromosomes 3, 11, and 12, but not 6. The chromosome 1 pollen compatibility locus maps to or near the S-locus, which determines S-allele specificity. The results are discussed in relation to existing genetic models for unilateral incompatibility, including the possible involvement of the S-locus.