Apical dominance in Xanthium strumarium was influenced by the quality of illumination received at the end of the photoperiod. The involvement of the red/far-red regions of the spectrum was apparent. The persistence of the effects was partially dependent on the age of the individual buds concerned. Plants receiving 30 minutes of illumination from tungsten lamps after a 16-hour photoperiod from fluorescent tubes failed to branch, whereas plants given an identical photoperiod, both in terms of day-length and photosynthetically available light energy, but lacking the far-red from tungsten lamps, branched profusely. The influence of the spectral distribution of illumination on the levels of cytokinins and abseisic acid in the plant, and the correlation with the degree of branching, is presented and discussed. The cytokinin content was much higher in inhibited than released buds. The cytokinins present were probably not able to particinate in bud growth because of an accumulation of inhibitors resembling abscisic acid. The concentration of the inhibitors in inhibited buds was 50 to 250 times that occurring in all other plant parts examined.