A new integrated pixel detector for high energy physics

Integrated pixel devices having the high-resistivity, signal-charge collecting volume and readout circuitry in a single piece of silicon have been fabricated. The integration of detecting elements and circuitry is carried out by building the circuitry on top of the detecting elements, maximizing spatial resolution. Loss of signal charge into the circuitry, where it would be lost for readout, is avoided. Both circuitry and detecting elements are fully functional. Tests with infrared illumination and gamma irradiation have been carried out on wafer before dicing and packaging. The authors present noise measurements illustrating the excellent signal to single-channel noise performance of this device of about 150 to 1 for a minimum ionizing particle, which is an order of magnitude better than that of silicon strip detectors currently used. Some first measurement results obtained on a setup with packaged devices are presented as well.<>

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