Properties ofγ-Ray Transitions inCo56fromNi56Decay andFe56(p, nγ)Co56

The Ni56 ε decay and the Fe56(p, nγ)Co56 reaction with beam energies between 5.5 and 8.4 MeV have been used with Ge(Li) spectrometers to study the properties of γ rays from states of Co56 below 2.86 MeV excitation. From Ni56 ε decay both the γ-ray spectrum and γγ coincidences were studied. γγ coincidences, γ-ray excitation functions, γ-ray angular distributions, and absolute cross sections were measured for the Fe56(p, nγ)Co56 reaction. An ε decay scheme for Ni56, which includes six γ rays, and an energy-level diagram for Co56, which includes 35 γ rays (14 of which are reported for the first time) from 20 excited states, are presented. Comparison of the data from Fe56(p, nγ)Co56 with predictions of the statistical compound-nuclear model have resulted in spin assignments (in parentheses) for the following states (energies in keV) of Co56: 158.4(3), 576.6(5), 829.7(4), 970.3(2), 1009.2(5), 1114.6(3), 1450.8(0), and 1720.3(1). Branching ratios are presented for 14 γ rays from these eight states and multipole mixing ratios are given for 12 of these γ rays (10 are predominantly M1). The data are consistent with a spin-4 assignment to the ground state. Contrary to previous suggestions, evidence from all experiments indicates that only one state (believed to be the antianalog of the Fe56 ground state) exists in Co56 in the neighborhood of 1451 keV excitation. The level energies, γ-ray multipole mixing ratios, and γ-ray branching ratios agree, in general, with shell-model predictions of McGrory.