Metabolic Uncouplers, Methionine and Oxygen Consumption of Chicks

After estimation of effective tolerated dosages of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) in preliminary trials, this substance has been studied as a metabolic stressor in chicks. The DNP was administered by injection in one study, orally in the diet ad libitum in the other. In the latter study, DNP was compared directly to iodocasein, in the presence and absence of supplemental methionine, to observe similarities and dissimilarities in interactions of the two with methionine. Iodocasein and DNP were observed to differ in their effects on oxygen consumption in vivo, but to cause similar effects on growth in methionine deficiency. Methionine showed different preventive actions toward iodocasein and DNP. The pertinent literature was reviewed. In that context the presently reported observations have been interpreted as strongly indicative of an antithyrotoxic action of methionine, conditioned by a combination of other dietary factors.