Polarization of 6- and 7-Mev Protons Elastically Scattered by Nuclei

Polarization measurements have been made by first scattering from the target of interest and second scattering in a carbon polarimeter for which the mean second scattering angle is 48° and for which the mean value of the polarization is greater than +70% for 5 MevE26 Mev. The polarization as a function of angle at 15° intervals from 45° to 135° is reported near 6 Mev for Al, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn, and near 7 Mev for Al, Fe, Ni, and Cu. P(θ) usually shows an oscillatory behavior, with the magnitude of the maxima and minima never greater than about 40%. The polarization as a function of energy is reported for C at 45° from 5.7 to 6.8 Mev, and for Fe and Cu at 60° and 120° from 5.8 to 6.4 Mev. For C, P(45°) decreases from +92% at 5.7 Mev to +36% at 6.8 Mev. For Cu, P(60°) and P(120°) vary slowly, if at all, with energy, but a rapid energy variation for Fe is observed, possibly due to resonance effects in compound elastic scattering.