Diffuse-Surface Optical Model Analysis of Elastic Scattering of 17- and 31.5-Mev Protons

Differential cross sections for the elastic scattering of 17- and 31.5-Mev protons by various nuclei have been analyzed according to the diffuse-surface optical model of the nucleus using a central interaction potential of the form (V+iW){1+exp[(rR)a]}. Calculated curves of the ratio of the differential to the Rutherford cross sections are presented and compared with experimental values. The adopted values of the four parameters of the model are those which either give best agreement with experiment or, insofar as ambiguities exist, permit the interaction radius R to be expressed as R0A13 with R0 constant throughout most of the periodic table. The average values of the parameters chosen in this way were found at 17 Mev to be as follows: real part of the nuclear potential V=47 Mev, imaginary part of the nuclear potential W=8.5 Mev, nuclear radius constant R0=1.33×1013 cm, surface rounding parameter a=0.5×1013 cm. A similar analysis at 31.5 Mev gave V=35.5 Mev, W=15.5 Mev, R0=1.33×1013 cm, a=0.55×1013 cm. Ambiguities in the quoted values due to compensating effects of changes in V and R0 are discussed. For intermediate and heavy nuclei like Ag and Pt, good agreement can be obtained at 17 Mev for values of R0 ranging from 1.2 to 1.4×1013 cm, but for lighter elements like Co the range of R0 is much more restricted. Theoretical curves of the reaction cross section are presented at 17 and 31.5 Mev based on quoted values of the model parameters. It is pointed out that accurate experimental measurements of this quantity may possibly resolve the ambiguity.