Measurements ofL2andL3-Subshell Fluorescence Yields in Heavy Elements

Measurements have been made of L2 and L3-subshell x-ray fluorescence yields, ω2 and ω3, for elements Z=7183, 90, and 92. The method consisted of photoexciting K-shell vacancies in thin metal or oxide samples; observing with a Ge(Li) spectrometer the Kα1 and Kα2 x rays emitted as the K vacancies were filled by electrons from L3 or L2 subshells; and counting, with a detector of calculated efficiency, the L x rays (unresolved) which signify radiative filling of those vacancies. The directly measured quantities were ω3 and ν2=ω2+f23ω3. The quantity f23 was taken as 0.13±0.13 to estimate ω2. The estimated precision (2 standard deviations) varies between 8 and 15%. The ν2 data agree with previous work. The ω2 values lie above most previous results. The ω3 values substantiate other recent experimental work, but exceed earlier estimates. The yields increase monotonically with increasing atomic number, within the limit of precision. Results with an alternative experimental arrangement indicate a small angular correlation in KL3M, N x-ray cascades.