Nutrient intakes among selected North American populations in the Lipid Research Clinics Prevalence Study: composition of fat intake

Components of fat and their relationship to total energy are described for 2,368 white male and 2,200 white female adults, aged 20–59 years, for whom 24-hour dietary recalls were completed between 1972 and 1975 in nine North American populations as a part of the Lipid Research Clinics (LRC) Program Prevalence Study. Men had higher absolute intakes of total fat and cholesterol than women, although both sexes consumed diets similar in relative composition of polyunsaturated, saturated, and monounsaturated fatty acids. Marked geographical differences in intakes of energy, total fat, and dietary cholesterol were observed. Compared with data from dietary surveys conducted in the 1960's the LRC data showed that consumption of cholesterol had decreased by the early 1970's, whereas consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids appears to have increased, resulting in a higher ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids. However, comparison of current dietary guidelines with these data, which are based on a single dietary recall, showed that few LRC participants met the recommendations of the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human needs for dietary fat intake.