Polyoma virus has three late mRNA's: one for each virion protein

Polyoma virus mRNA, isolated from the cytoplasm of 3T6 cells late after infection and purified by hybridization to HpaII fragment 3 of polyoma virus DNA, was separated on 50% formamide-containing sucrose density gradients, and the fractionated RNA was recovered and translated in vitro. Analysis of the cell-free products showed that the minor virion protein VP3 was synthesized from an mRNA sedimenting at approximately 18S betweeen the 19S VP2 mRN and the 16S VP1 mRNA. Other experiments showed that the VP2 and VP3 can be labeled with formyl methionine from initiator tRNA. We conclude that there are three late polyoma virus mRNA's, each directing the synthesis of only one viral capsid protein.