Effect of total adrenalectomy on gastric secretion in chronic gastric fistula rats

Basal gastric secretion of rats with chronic fistulas was studied before and after adrenalectomy or sham operation. A marked exponential fall in concentration and output of free and total acid resulted in virtual anacidity within 3–7 weeks following adrenalectomy. Failure in parietal cell secretion was not accompanied by significant decrease in parietal cell mass. Pepsin concentration and output as well as volume also fell exponentially but more gradually. No significant change in total chloride concentration occurred. Relative influence of concentration in determining output was 30 times greater than volume for free acid, 3 times greater for total acid, and twice as great for pepsin. Volume was responsible for almost all variability in total chloride output. Time after adrenalectomy influenced variability of volume and acid output twice as much as concurrent decrease in body weight.