Time Delay Compensation for Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Systems: A Simulation Study

Closed loop insulin therapy certainly represents the best possible approach to insulin replacement. However, present limitations preclude wider application of the so-called artificial pancreas. Therefore, a thorough understanding of these limitations is needed to design better systems for future long-term use. The present simulation study was designe: to obtain better information on the impact of the measurement delay of currently available closed-loop devices both during closed-loop insulin delivery and blood glucose clamp studies, and to design and test a time delay compensator based on the method originally described by O.J. Smith. Simulations were performed on a Compaq Deskpro 486/25™ personal computer under MS-DOS™ operating system using Simnon™ rel. 3.00 software. There was a direct relationship between measurement delay and amount of insulin delivered, i.e., the longer the delay the higher the insulin dose needed to control a rise in blood glucose; the closed-loop response in presence of a time delay was qualitatively impaired both during insulin delivery and blood glucose clamp studies; time delay compensation was effective in reducing the insulin dose and improving controller stability during the early phase of clamp studies. However, the robustness of a Smith's predictor-based controller should be carefully evaluated before implementation in closed-loop systems can be considered. 1) 1) Compaq Deskpro is a trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation; MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation; Simnon is a trademark of SSPA Systems.