In vivo Characteristics of a Transplantable Marek's Disease Lymphoblastoid Cell Line, MDCC-MSB1-41C

A Marek''s disease (MD) lymphoblastoid cell line, MDCC-MSB1-41C, was highly transplantable and lethal for chickens. Autopsies showed extensive metastasis in various organs. The transplantabilities of the parent cell line, MDCC-MSB1, and another derivative line, MDCC-MSB1-33C, were transient. MD virus (MDV) could be isolated from kidneys but not from the peripheral blood leukocytes of chickens inoculated with the MSB1-41C cell line. Anti-MDV antibodies were produced both in chickens inoculated with this cell line and in controls raised with inoculated chickens, but several attempts to isolate MDV from this cell line in vitro failed.