Development of nodules of Glycine max infected with an ineffective strain of Rhizobium japonicum

Bacteroids in ineffective (nitrogenase negative) nodules of Glycine max, infected with Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-24, as compared to those in effective nodules are characterized by reduced specific activities of alanine dehydrogenase to 15%, of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase to 50%, and an increase of glutamine synthetase to 400%. In the plant cytoplasm of ineffective nodules, glutamine synthetase activity is reduced to 10–30%, glutamate dehydrogenase to 50–70%, and the aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase are enhanced to 120–200%, depending on the age of the nodules. The total pool of soluble amino acids is reduced to 52 μmol per g nodule fresh weight, as compared to 186 μmol in effective nodules, with a replacement of asparagine (42 mol% of the amino acids) by an unknown amino compound. This compound is absent in nitrogenase, repressed and derepressed, free-living Rhizobium japonicum cells and in the uninfected root tissue. In nitrogenase derepressed, as compared to the repressed free-living cells of Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-101, arginine shows the most obvious change with a reduction to less than one tenth. The ultrastructure of the ineffective nodule is different from the effective organ even in the early stages. The membrane envelopes of the infection vacuoles are decomposing in heavily infected cells within 18 to 20 d after infection. In lightly infected cells very large vacuoles develop with only a few bacteroids inside. No close associations of cristae-rich mitochondria with amyloplasts are observed as in effective nodules. The uninfected cells keep their large starch granules even 40 d after infection. Some poly-β-hydroxybutyrate accumulation in the bacteroids is observed but only in the early stages, and it is almost absent in old nodules (40 d). At this age the infected cells are obviously compressed by uninfected cells, whereas in effective nodules with nitrogenase activity and leghaemoglobin formation, the infected cells have a much higher osmotic pressure than the neighbouring uninfected cells.