High spin states ofZr86

The level scheme of Zr86 was studied by in-beam measurements on γ transitions in the Ni60 (29Si,2pnγ)86Zr reaction and by helium-jet studies of delayed γ-ray activity from the Ni58 (32S,3pn)86Nb(β +/EC)86Zr reaction. In the latter study, measurements consisted of γ-γ and β-γ coincidences, excitation functions, and a lifetime determination. An Nb86 decay scheme was obtained which suggests Jπ =5+ for the Nb86 ground state. The in-beam study consisted of γ-γ coincidences, excitation functions, angular distributions, and lifetime measurements via both Doppler shift attenuation and recoil distance methods. The high-spin decay scheme and level lifetimes obtained from the in-beam studies suggest intrinsic modes of excitation rather than the collective behavior seen in Zr84.

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