Electroweak radiative corrections to b --> s+gamma

  • 8 April 1998
Two-loop electroweak corrections to b --> s+gamma decays are computed. Fermion and photonic loop effects are found to reduce R=B(b-->s+gamma)/B(b-->c+e+nu) by (9 +- 2)% and lead to the standard model prediction B(B-->X_s+gamma)=(3.25 +- 0.30) times 10^-4 for inclusive B meson decays. Comparison of R^{theory} = (3.00 +- 0.25) times 10^-3(1+0.10 rho), where rho is a Wolfenstein CKM parameter, with the current experimental average R^{exp}=(2.40 +- 0.51) times 10^-3 gives rho=(-2.0 +- 1.9) which is consistent with -0.21 < rho < 0.27 obtained from other B and K physics constraints.

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