Lockart, Royce Z., Jr . (The University of Texas, Austin) and Barbara Horn . Interaction of an interferon with L cells. J. Bacteriol. 85: 996–1002. 1963.—Data were presented on the effect of time of exposure and concentration of an interferon in provoking viral inhibition in L cells. Populations of L cells which made reduced amounts of Western equine encephalomyelitis virus as a result of treatment with interferon did so at reduced rates proportional to the concentration of interferon used. Virus yields were maximal, however, 25 hr after challenge regardless of the amount of virus produced. Such populations of cells contained a proportion of cells no longer able to produce infective virus, while the average maximal yield of the remainder of the cell population was reduced. It was suggested that only cells which made new virus underwent cytopathic effects. The rate of viral inhibition in monolayers of L cells was dependent on the concentration of interferon added, but inhibition was nearly maximal at 8 hr, regardless of the interferon concentration. Viral inhibition was shown to persist in multiplying cells, but it gradually diminished. The amount of inhibition after either one or two cell divisions was greater in those cultures treated with greater amounts of interferon. Viral inhibition could be passed through cell division with no loss when cells were incubated with a sufficient concentration of interferon. A model of interferon action based on the preceding data was presented.