1.14-GHz self-aligned vibrating micromechanical disk resonator

A new fabrication methodology that allows self-alignment of a micromechanical structure to its anchor(s) has been used to achieve vibrating radial-contour mode polysilicon micromechanical disk resonators with resonance frequencies up to 1.156 GHz and measured Q's at this frequency >2,650 in both vacuum and air. In addition, a 734.6-MHz version has been demonstrated with Q's of 7,890 and 5,160 in vacuum and air, respectively. For these resonators, self-alignment of the stem to exactly the center of the disk it supports allows balancing of the resonator far superior to that achieved by previous versions (in which separate masks were used to define the disk and stem), allowing the present devices to retain high Q while achieving frequencies in the gigahertz range for the first time. In addition to providing details on the fabrication process, testing techniques, and experimental results, this paper formulates an equivalent electrical circuit model that accurately predicts the performance of these disk resonators.

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